Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Patience. I'm not there yet. I'm just getting some things in order. One of the things I'm looking forward to is visiting the Taj Mahal. For my students back in Texas, they'll be watching a video about the Taj Mahal while I'm there! (Here's an excerpt from the video if you're curious) So I thought I would make a pre-emptive post so my students can leave a comment on this blog entry with any questions. STUDENTS: What questions or notes do you have for me to find out when I visit the Taj Mahal? I'll check this post before I go, so post your questions or things you want me to check out. Is there something I MUST investigate closer while I'm there? leave a comment so I can have some things to look for while I'm there. Then check back to this blog, and I'll post my findings. Have fun without me!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ready to Return!

Well, we're finalizing preparations for our return trip. This time, Jon Brooks and I will return with 14 students and another adult sponsor. We will leave on March 4th, and will return on the 16th. I'm excited to go back and work with some of the kids in the orphanages, and to meet back up with Veer and help him get his school building set up. On my list of things to do is to actually play some cricket! Last time, we were all-business with the teachers conference and meeting with pastors and such. We'll get to spend more time with orphans, and visiting a leper colony. Keep checking back here as I plan to post updates while we are there.